The following post from Yael's blog; 10 Studies That Prove Chinese Medicine Actually Works is a great resource for research on TCM.
Don’t you just love it when you talk to people about Chinese Medicine and then they say something like “oh, that’s all good, but when it comes down to it, I want to be treated by something that really works. No offence but CM (Chinese Medicine) was never proved”?
Don’t you fall in-love with those articles on the Internet that tell you you’re a quack because you practice CM? And then they explain how you wasted money for 4 years on studying something that doesn’t work, isn’t correct, never was proved scientifically, and they go on telling the whole world to be careful from people like you, your friends, your teachers…
Research in Chinese Medicine is not a new thing. I personally think it’s a bit of a problem to force the research models that apply to Western Medicine on CM mainly because CM includes to much more. How do you research the pulse? How do you research the TMM channels? How do you research the treatment of Shen in Shen? And if you can’t do it according to the rules of research by Western Medicine, does this mean it’s all lies? Of course not. Not everything in this world is research-able. But they are important because this is just another way for Chinese Medicine to develop a serious dialogue with Western Medicine.
That being said, I give you 10 studies that prove Chinese Medicine actually works. And all those who need proof- here you have it. All good websites, note that they need registration- it’s free.
A pilot study on using Acupucnture and TENS to treat knee osteoarthritis- taken from the CMJournal. Note it.
Effects of Acupuncture on rates of pregnancy and live birth among women undergoing IVF- taken from BMJ. Note it. A personal favorite of mine, because it can help those women who have so much going on due to huge amounts of hormones in them. Western Medicine hardly acknowledge the psychological and emotional impact those treatments have on women and don’t offer anything to help the women cope with it.
Effects of Yinchenhao Tang and related decoction on DMN induced cirrhosis/fibrosis in rats- taken from the CMJournal. Note it.
Blood Pressure changes with Acupuncture comparable to ACE-inhibitor monotherapy- taken from Medscape. Note it.
Randomised controlled study on ginger-salt-partitioned moxibustion at shenque (CV8) on urination disorder poststroke- taken from PubMed. Note it.
Randomised trial of long term effect on acupuncture for shoulder pain- taken from PubMed. Note it.
Acupuncture: a promising treatment for depression during pregnancy- taken from PubMed. Note it. Another personal favorite, an answer to a popular problem all around the world, yet not enough women talk about it (for example the brave Brooke Shields).
Acupuncture may be helpful for pelvic girdle pain during pregnancy- taken from Medscape. Note it. Did someone say Dai Mai?
Acupuncture ‘more than a placebo’- taken from BBC news. Note it.
Tai Chi may reduce falls in the elderly- taken from Medscape. Note it. Another personal favorite, the need to think about the elderly and the art of Tai Chi steps in to help is beautiful.
You can find lots more in those websites mentioned.
Please leave your notes, I will be happy to read and respond.
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