The trend nowadays is convenience. Gone are the days of washing diapers, carrying along thermo bottles for hot water and canned milk. Everything is available in manufactured and processed form. But time and convenience must not be an excuse for the good health and safety of babies for they are the hope of the future.
Here are some green tips to give extra care to our bundle of joy:
I. Disposable diapers are composed of chemicals like bleach, perfume, plastics and additives. According to the Eco-Living Handbook, these take hundreds of years to decompose and these also emit methane gas. Even bio-disposable diapers contain absorbent gelling materials which raise the temperature of the baby’s delicate part. This may affect their development, especially of male babies.
Here are some green tips for disposable diapers:
1. Use washable diapers.
2. Use disposable inner liners and washable outer cloth.
3. Avoid using fabric softener and sanitizers. According to the Women’s Environmental Network, you can use the following instead:
a. Add small cup of white vinegar in the last rinsing. This keeps nappies soft.
b. Add a few drops of lavender oil.
In the Philippines, young mothers have started the trend of using fashionable washable diapers. And they are happy to use these because they can help care for the environment as well.
II. Skin Care
What is bad for the environment is bad for babies. There are so many manufacturers offering the gentlest products. But it is important to read the ingredients.
Here are more baby care green tips:
1. Baby oil contains mineral oil content which is a petroleum product.
2. Avoid using detergents and strong cleaning agents on the baby’s room and the home. (Check our blog post on Home Cleaners.)
3. Use organic laundry soap and cleaning agents.
4. There is no need to used powder and lotion on the baby unless his or her skin is dry, or has skin problems.
5. Clean baby’s bottom with warm water and organic cotton instead of processed wipes.
6. Make your own organic wipes using undyed cotton.
Also, diaper rash may be caused by acidity. Here are tips to remove diaper rash:
1. Give baby plenty of water.
2. Cranberry juice in the bottle helps neutralize acids in the urine.
3. Try organic laundry soap for washing baby’s clothes and washable diapers.
4. Make your homemade lotion for diaper rash. See the recipe below.
a. Put 1 tablespoon of chamomile in 1 cup of hot water.
b. Keep it covered while steeping until it cools.
c. Strain and add 2 tablespoons of cod liver oil to the chamomile water.
d. Shake well and apply to diaper rash. Make sure you wash the area first.
III. Toys
Once baby starts teething, he or she would start biting and toys. It is preferable to avoid buying toys that are made of polyvinyl plastic toys because this is a toxic material.
A contented baby will be enjoyed more by his or her doting parents. And, when the little one is nurtured with a true love and care for nature, he will grow up with a delicate appreciation of God’s creations. Thus, he will be a good and able steward of Mother Earth in the future.
Em-em Tinasas, MBA
The Gardener
Callard, S. and Millard D. (2009) The eco-living handbook, A complete green guide for your home and life. London: Carlton Books, Ltd.
Todd, J. Herbal. Home remedies. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishing (P) Ltd.
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The trend nowadays is convenience. Gone are the days of washing diapers, carrying along thermo bottles for hot water and canned milk. Everything is available in manufactured and processed form. But time and convenience must not be an excuse for the good health and safety of babies for they are the hope of the future.
Here are some green tips to give extra care to our bundle of joy:
I. Disposable diapers are composed of chemicals like bleach, perfume, plastics and additives. According to the Eco-Living Handbook, these take hundreds of years to decompose and these also emit methane gas. Even bio-disposable diapers contain absorbent gelling materials which raise the temperature of the baby’s delicate part. This may affect their development, especially of male babies.
Here are some green tips for disposable diapers:
1. Use washable diapers.
2. Use disposable inner liners and washable outer cloth.
3. Avoid using fabric softener and sanitizers. According to the Women’s Environmental Network, you can use the following instead:
a. Add small cup of white vinegar in the last rinsing. This keeps nappies soft.
b. Add a few drops of lavender oil.
In the Philippines, young mothers have started the trend of using fashionable washable diapers. And they are happy to use these because they can help care for the environment as well.
II. Skin Care
What is bad for the environment is bad for babies. There are so many manufacturers offering the gentlest products. But it is important to read the ingredients.
Here are more baby care green tips:
1. Baby oil contains mineral oil content which is a petroleum product.
2. Avoid using detergents and strong cleaning agents on the baby’s room and the home. (Check our blog post on Home Cleaners.)
3. Use organic laundry soap and cleaning agents.
4. There is no need to used powder and lotion on the baby unless his or her skin is dry, or has skin problems.
5. Clean baby’s bottom with warm water and organic cotton instead of processed wipes.
6. Make your own organic wipes using undyed cotton.
Also, diaper rash may be caused by acidity. Here are tips to remove diaper rash:
1. Give baby plenty of water.
2. Cranberry juice in the bottle helps neutralize acids in the urine.
3. Try organic laundry soap for washing baby’s clothes and washable diapers.
4. Make your homemade lotion for diaper rash. See the recipe below.
a. Put 1 tablespoon of chamomile in 1 cup of hot water.
b. Keep it covered while steeping until it cools.
c. Strain and add 2 tablespoons of cod liver oil to the chamomile water.
d. Shake well and apply to diaper rash. Make sure you wash the area first.
III. Toys
Once baby starts teething, he or she would start biting and toys. It is preferable to avoid buying toys that are made of polyvinyl plastic toys because this is a toxic material.
A contented baby will be enjoyed more by his or her doting parents. And, when the little one is nurtured with a true love and care for nature, he will grow up with a delicate appreciation of God’s creations. Thus, he will be a good and able steward of Mother Earth in the future.
Em-em Tinasas, MBA
The Gardener
Callard, S. and Millard D. (2009) The eco-living handbook, A complete green guide for your home and life. London: Carlton Books, Ltd.
Todd, J. Herbal. Home remedies. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishing (P) Ltd.